How Commenting can help you get 1000 Feed subscriber in few days

When you start a new blog, your first target is to get new readers, traffic and subscriber. Out of all, I always suggest to start with getting more subscribers as they turn into return visitors and increase the trust value of your domain. Though, for a new blog it’s a tough task and in this post, I will share a tip which might be very useful for you to get targeted traffic and most important with your quality content you can turn them into subscribers.

So how commenting can help you grow your blog to next level?

The strategy is simple, you need to spare half an hour a day for the commenting.

Select few major website in your niche. Make sure the target users are the same as yours. Now I hope you keep track of all the feeds using feed-demon. If you do then I hope you manage folder like me or better than this.

The approach is, create different folders on your feed reader for different type of blogs which you are targeting to comment and get subscribers. It’s better, that all the blogs should be in same niche. For example, my niche is Blogging and technology, so I would create folders for the same niche and typically my folders are:

  • Popular Blogging blogs
  • Blogging blogs using top commentator plugin
  • Blogging blogs using comment luv plugin
  • Dofollow Blog comments on Blogging niche

Now, commenting on Popular blogging blogs willl help me get decent traffic and if content on my blog is compelling and interesting, I can expect good amount of conversion.
2nd and 4th type in the above list will give me SEO advantage and as backlink will be high quality relevent backlink and comment luv plugin enabled blog will help me to showcase my latest article, giving it more exposure. A good article title will do the trick to get more CTR.
Now spare 30 minute a day at least on commenting to these blogs updates. Make sure you add value rather than just a comment like Nice Thank you. If you keep track of blogs updates using twitter then you might be the lucky one to be the first one to comment. First commentator will always get more traffic and thus his comment will be more beneficial.
Suppose you be the first one to comment at problogger or gigaom, and first day you get 10 hits from the problogger, next day it goes down to 5 and gradually it decreases. But it will keep giving traffic once in a while. Suppose you make 10 such comments in a day.
Now let’s do simple calculation for a day.
Out of 10 comment strategy, 6 works for you (Worst case scenario).

  • So First day you will be getting 6*10= 60 visitors
  • 2nd day 4*10 = 40 visitors.

So you getting 100 visitors within two days from your niche sites. Now show them the best of your content,
So even if you are successfully converting 50% of such visitors to your loyal visitors, you will be getting 50 RSS subscriber within a day.
Worst case scenario, if you are a new blogger and not much content but if you manage to grab 5 RSS subscriber with this strategy, is int it better than spending an hour on writing content?
There are many other Factors which will help you here and those are :

  • Your Blog theme
  • Prominent Feed button
  • Ease of navigation
  • Apart from it most important good and quality content.

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